Home > "free" lunch all next week!

"free" lunch all next week!

February 16th, 2007 at 02:59 pm

I'm supposed to be attending a workshop for that accelerated improvement thing next week, and, they just sent an email informing that lunch will be provided...yay!..that'll save me about $1.50-$5.00!...let[s say $1.50, which is the minimum I would save, bringing my lunch from home every day but buying $0.30 beverages!)...Now, the reason I'm writing free in quotations is this:

"modo que evitemos largas interrupciones y podamos aprovechar mejor el tiempo como equipo. La hora del almuerzo y los breaks siempre será flexible dependiendo del progreso alcanzado y la opinión del grupo"

(so as to avoid long interruptions and so we can make better use of our time as a team. Lunch and break schedules will be flexible depending on our progress for the day and the group's opinion)

I think I better pack some migraine pills!

1 Responses to “"free" lunch all next week!”

  1. sarah Says:

    I've been to events like this. Good Luck

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