Home > woo-hoo! bad service gets punished!

woo-hoo! bad service gets punished!

August 8th, 2006 at 06:20 pm

I don't remember if I wrote about a "free" day pass my cousin got a couple of months ago to a popular new "resort" at the beach...we got very bad treatment...since we were supposed to take advantage of the day visit to meet with the manager because we had with us an investor interested in bringing tourists to ES and lodging them at this resort, we insisted on seeing the manager and, when told the person we had contacted was NOT a manager, we made a big fuss until they DID call the manager who, when informed of the situation said it didn't matter to him that we felt mistreated and deceived (regarding the meeting) because the hotel was booked solid for the rest of the year and he didn't need any new customers...well, about a week ago I received an email from a friend, who was just passing along another person's email telling about his bad experience there...I added our complaint and kept forwarding the message...guess what??...somebody forwarded it to the MInistry of Tourism, the Tourism Board and to another organiztion that seeks foreign investment in tourism...WOO-HOO!...they are opening an investigation on these matters!

2 Responses to “woo-hoo! bad service gets punished!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Good for you! They deserve it!!

  2. carol Says:

    Good!! What a rotten way to treat people and then try to shrug it off! I hope they catch h*ll for their unprofessional behavior.

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