Home > Gave my dept store cc to my sister for safekeeping!

Gave my dept store cc to my sister for safekeeping!

September 22nd, 2005 at 07:13 pm card got stolen about 2 years ago, and I didn't bother asking for a new plastic, as it made shopping a lot more difficult (had to go to Cus Svc, wait in line, show 2 ID's, get a "temporary" card that was only good for the day and had to tell the cus svc people how many purchases I was going to make...), but, I got a replacement because the temporaries don't work for Radio Shack (the plastic does!) and I needed to buy a battery charger and some rechargeable batteries for DD (at the rate she goes for batteries, the thing will pay for itself in 3 months!), ....then,I also got myself a memory stick, as I sometimes have to take HUGE files down to Xerox for printing, and waiting for someone to lend me one was a was on sale, but, still, it was not something I really, really NEEDED, and that bothers me a bit...though it does make life a lot easier!

But, lately, I kept thinking of things to buy at that dept store....and it's only 3 blocks from the office - perfect for going there during lunch time or after, I gave my sister the card for safekeeping, so I won't fall into temptation...

On a good note, I went to that dept store to pay the other day -BEFORE giving my sis the card- and they were having a Red Diamond Sale, which is their special semi-annual sale where some things are put 40% off the tagged price (the only time where you might get a special over already-discounted prices!) and I couldn't find anything to buy!! - I forgot to check the cosmetics counter, thank GOD! I didn't spend that day!!.

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