Home > Ugh, the car...again!

Ugh, the car...again!

November 16th, 2009 at 06:54 pm

... it figures, I started replenishing my EF (put $300 in it) and, now the car broke down again!...We'll see how hard the EF gets hit...I just hope it doesn't get wiped out completely!!!

Oh, well, at least I have $300 in cash, if needed.... ((sigh))

3 Responses to “Ugh, the car...again!”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    I hope it won't cost much ! :-)

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Ugh! Sorry to hear that. I hope it doesn't cost too much.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Sorry to hear that.

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