Home > Ok, now my desk REALLY looks like it exploded!

Ok, now my desk REALLY looks like it exploded!

November 18th, 2006 at 01:43 am

I have over 1,000 new feedback leftover handouts that need to be shredded,...invoices that need to be paid and new travel expenses to be processed plus some non-disclosure agreements that need to be signed.... all these arrived TODAY!!!....

((sigh)) least the cocktail party turned out well!!....

I still have to pack the leftovers tonight and return the trays to our supplier tomorrow...

And I'm still missing 3 training boxes...which means more feedback forms, more feedback forms, more documents for the shredder, 3 projectors, 1 video camera, 1 tripod and some toys to be put away on Monday...on top of my regular tasks and taking the company car to (finally!) get the new license plate!...

Oh, and my boss wants me to translate a document and then do the voice over for a video based on that text! ...

I better stop here or I'll have a meltdown!

4 Responses to “Ok, now my desk REALLY looks like it exploded!”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    wow, i hope everything calms down for you soon! do you at least get to keep the leftovers? Wink

  2. tener Says:

    seems like you have alot to do.. i can't imagine 1000 feedback forms!

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Step back, take a deep breath, and relax. If anyone can get this stuff done it is you. Set up your plan and carry it out! Go get 'em!Smile

  4. miclason Says:

    ok, at least I've got the forms classified now: module feedback forms, final overall survey, peer evaluation forms and Executive feedback forms...I'll start with the final overall surveys, as this data is what's more importantt for us as a unit...I've already tabulated the oveall satisfaction question (1 out of 12 questions) and sent the results so they can be included in today's executive update...right now I'll get going on the translation...then work on everything else!

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