Home > Have you missed me??

Have you missed me??

August 19th, 2006 at 04:55 am

I've missed YOU!...I've been MIA at the workshop...have had to do a lot of work...but, it's definetely worth it!...I love it!!...right now I'm doing my (self-imposed) homework, which is a very simple flyer for my translations...Tomorrow I have to gather up the courage to ask for permission to post it at bulletin boards in several places...

Oh, it finished printing!...gotta go!
(I still have to work on an email!)

I probably won't be on "full time" until Monday 28th or thereabouts!...(but, I'll lurk as much as I can! LOL!)

2 Responses to “Have you missed me??”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Keep up the good work. We'll leave a light on for you.WinkSmile

  2. ima saver Says:

    Yes, we have missed you!!

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