Home > huge leak!!

huge leak!!

April 7th, 2005 at 05:35 pm

aaaarrrgh!! I could kick myself!!...DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY, when I was making sure all the lights were turned off before going to bed, I realized that a faucet was open...I went to close it and, oh, surprise, it didn't!!!, I have a leaky faucet!! $$$$$$$$....I made a mental note to call the plumber, but, I FORGOT!!! (how stupid can one get!!), that thing has been leaking!! $$$$$$$$ (yes, I know how to turn the water off for the whole house; No, I didn't do it...mainly, because there are huge cockroaches there!!...yuck!!!....I don't have a problem turning it off during the day, when they just scurry away when I open the trap door because they hate the light, but....doing it at night!! way, I'm not THAT brave....((shuddder))....
Anyway, have called the plumber and let the nanny know they will be coming!!...Hopefully, by tonight, the leak will be gone!! $$$$$$$$$ (I have also asked them to check other things, but this is the main one!)

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